Digital Marketing Agency Orange County

Orange County Digital Marketing CompanySocial Media is all about sharing information and opinions, making connections. The greatest gift to others is to share your knowledge or valuable opinions to others by blogging. As a professional you can write and share this information to people who are looking for this information or looking for you, wanting to know more about you. The following are 7 important reasons to start blogging.

1Blogging is a Great way to Build & Show your Personal “Brand”

If you do a search in “google” for your name, the results you see will be staggering and growing. While this is the case, even without your knowledge or approval, you might as well add some good and solid content to it and build a great profile! This is what a Personal “Brand” is all about. Being proactive about how people may perceive you and this way you are in control about what people get to know about you. If you have knowledge or expertise in a particular area, start blogging about it and share it this way. People will learn to know who you are and recognize you as the expert on it.

2Blogging Helps Differentiate You from Everyone Else

Sometimes as a professional, you want to be noticed and stand out, for whatever reason.  Perhaps being noticed for a promotion at work, competing for a job elsewhere among many in the marketplace. This is a way to stand out, let your expertise or specifics be known. Maybe your ambitions are so strong you just NEED to express them, to get recognized as the go-to person. These are all reasons to start blogging and get ahead of others, make yourself be known. Create a blog, share your expertise, and get noticed!

3Blogging brings opportunities!

Blogging is the greatest way to start to meet new people online. Through placing your ideas and thoughts in your blog, people start to notice you and over time your “credibility” online grows. It is out there for the world to see and then you will start to receive comments from others, meet others and with that also opportunities flow to you. It takes some trust to start your blog, however once you start you will see, good things will come your way!

4Blogging is the Ultimate Pay It Forward

Through blogging and sharing your knowledge or expertise you provide a great service to others! You never know how others can benefit from your ideas and knowledge! Google is a matchmaker here. Blogging is the ultimate pay it forward method! Start sharing!

5You’re Already Tweeting…Why Not Add Your Own Original Views in More Depth?

Twitter is an excellent way to bring about a flowing process: once you start to tweet, then when you read something on the internet, you think about what you can share about it and what your followers might be interested in. Then you can add in more of your own ideas. However Twitter is limited to those 140 characters, so if you want to expand, start a blog on “Posterous” or even on “WordPress”.

6You Can Start to Monetize Your Knowledge

Using a blog does not give enough money to replace your full time job for many, however it does help and serve as a gateway to advertise anything you wish to create or sell, for instance like a webinar, speaking engagements, concerts, an e-book etc. At the time you are ready to monetize your knowledge, be sure to have your blog as the home-base from which you advertise and broadcast, aligned with social media.

7Because You Can

Use your time for something productive, so if you have time and you have the creative flow going, start blogging! Many unexpected and great things can come from this!

1EZ Consulting Orange County blog marketing & digital marketing agency  specializing in blogger marketing services using professional writers to create blog posts with the latest news from your company, updates about your products, services, and more.  Contact 1EZ today to learn more about our marketing services.

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