Orange County WordPress Web Design Company

Orange County WordPress Web DesignLooking for a fully functional custom wordpress web design with an integrated blog system and built in CMS (Content Management System) is a website designed using a wordpress platform. WordPress websites are powerful online marketing tools that help establish you as an expert in your industry. The capabilities of using WordPress as a website are endless. 1EZ Creative Orange County WordPress Web Design company understands the potential that WordPress has on the impact of your company’s website and for this reason we recommend a Custom WordPress designed site over other CMS solutions out there today.  1EZ Creative creates custom WordPress web designs that set you apart from the competition, expert WordPress Web Design in Orange County.

Desktop, Tablets & Mobile Devices – Fully Responsive on All Devices

There are over 19,500,000 WordPress installations today, WordPress is the most-used open source CMS world-wide. Examples of current companies using the WordPress platform are BBC America, Mercedes-Benz, Variety, Sony Music, Verizon Fios, Microsoft News Center, The Walt Disney Company, Home Depot just to name a few. The WordPress system is optimized for SEO, social sharing, and so much more to drive traffic to your site, with over 54,000+ WordPress plugins customization and flexibility is endless.

1EZ Creative Orange County WordPress Web Design Company is not your ordinary design firm that takes a WordPress template, swaps out the images and called it a Custom WordPress website. We work with our clients to come up with a design concept, create a call to action, and design a custom WordPress website that represents your brand or service. Our goal is to establish a proper flow of information to achieve a more emotional visual story about the business and distinguishable features and services.

1EZ Creative Orange County Web Design Company

Why use WordPress as your CMS solution?

WordPress is user friendly; if you can use word you can use WordPress. Users edit their site pages, blog posts, images, or other page with ease by editing the text or elements in the back end of the program. This means you will not have to pay someone to maintain or make changes for you think of the money you can save. One of the greatest strongest features a WordPress site has is the online ability to login via your website and make changes to any of the pages at any time and our custom responsive design work on any electronic device; including desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

1EZ Creative Custom WordPress Designers?

1EZ Creative Orange County WordPress Web Design Company has experienced WordPress website designers that can create cutting-edge wordpress design themes for you today; we design around your companies requirements and make sure that your site reflects your companies for now and in the future.

Are you also looking for a custom blog design, blogging and social networking are the future of the web and every company should stay up to date with the changes in potential marketing on the internet.

There are numerous reasons to have a custom blog designed, here are a few of what we think are the top reasons:

  • The ability to post daily information about your product to your customers. Show clients any updated information about your company within seconds.
  • Blogs are a search engine’s best friend because the content is fresh and constantly updated! It helps search engines to read more content to find your site easily.
  • With the help of plugins many difficult tasks can be made much easier. If you have an idea for something you want on your website, odds are there’s a plugin that will do just what you’re looking for.
  • It is the best way to make money using revenue ads.
  • The ability to subscribe to RSS feeds and follow updates easily.
  • Easily post many links on your site.
  • Interact with visitors on your blog. They can submit comments on each post. It is a great way to get feedback!
  • Practically NO coding knowledge is required.

What else can WordPress do for my website?

If you have a special need for your website, chances are all you need is a simple plugin. Plugins are designed specifically for WordPress and will only work on the WordPress platform. Plugins offer many different advantages that just aren’t available for regular websites. From photo gallery plugins, to SEO plugins, to Poll plugins, to wordpress plugins, the options are limitless. Ask us about potential plugins for your WordPress project.

WordPress is search engine friendly

WordPress right out of the box is extremely efficient for search engine optimization and with the addition of certain plugins can become even more powerful. 1EZ Creative Orange County WordPress Web Design company recommends the All in One SEO plugin for every WordPress site we design, this plugin is amazing in how much it can help a website get picked up in search engines and also provides another plugin for site maps, which are extremely important for SEO purposes.

WordPress All in One SEO also makes the use of Meta tags, an important component in search engine optimization, extremely easy. WordPress has an uncomplicated URL structure, making it easy for search engine spiders to find and to “crawl” content. With WordPress and the knowledge and expertise of Design team, your site will command high rankings in search engines!

We Should Talk! Your New Website Is Waiting.

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