Digital Transformation with Brand Designs for Small Businesses

Digital Design Agency Orange County

Digital branding has been coined as the cornerstone of modern marketing techniques. It’s the process where various digital channels and assets are used to communicate a brand’s position in the business world. This helps a company become part of the multi-channel brand communication and engagement programs.

The competition across every industry is becoming fiercer by the day. That’s why developing a unique identity for your small business and reaching out to your audience has never been more important.

So how do you build a reputable brand? You’ll need to have a complete digital transformation by creating a solid branding foundation and then having an adaptable business logo for example, is an excellent start.

Building Creative Assets

Did you know that only 25% of business owners are executing their brand strategies? And only 60% of the content created by these businesses is of branding standards. Some people simply use a freestyle strategy for their branding but that rarely brings in new business.

Essentially, branding is a marketing strategy that helps people instantly recognize your company. Here are a few creative assets a company needs to utilize for its branding:

  • A company name that fits well with its products or services
  • Creative logo
  • Unique fonts
  • Sufficient color schemes
  • Advertising strategies
  • A tag line

If you’re consistent with the above branding fundamentals your customers will definitely start to recognize your business. A brand defines you but it also lets people perceive the message you’re expressing about your company.

If your branding isn’t top notch people may fail to believe your company offers premium services or products. This is why branding is the key to success, especially for small businesses.

Having the Correct User Experience

In the modern world, it’s the customer who decides whether your brand is of the highest quality through user experience. So an imperative factor in developing your brand’s presence is creating a responsive website which focusses on UX.

A web URL is what most people click on to explore your services, buy products, sign up for newsletters and provide reviews. If your website is slow and it’s not mobile friendly it will have a negative impact on your brand. You may lose a sale and they might not ever visit your site again.

Most people hire web hosting companies to develop their websites for them. Web hosting companies ensure your site is user friendly. They can also easily improve the visual aspect of your site so give them your logo so they can place it in a prominent position on your website.

A responsive website is the showpiece for all your digital branding. So make sure your website runs smoothly, looks aesthetically pleasing and clearly shows your company’s branding. This is so your customers can have world class user experiences and in turn connect with your brand.

Visibility in Search Results

Google uses algorithms to rank websites in search results on the internet. Your quantity of views is important to improve your ranking as this will show Google that your business is growing in popularity.

A smart way to up your ranking is to let people review your company’s services on websites such as Yelp. This will also create brand awareness as the more people see your company logo and name, new business becomes more probable.

The more often people see your brand in various places the more likely it is to spark their curiosity about your business. This will earn you clicks on your company’s website and that’s how you create the growth cycle in branding.

A pro tip is using an SEO strategy to achieve higher rankings in Google’s search engines.

Social Media Branding is Important

If you want to make people aware of your brand quickly then there’s no better way than social media and marketing. Over the years social media has proven to be one of the most effective tools to market your brand.

Social media is used to boost your brand awareness by consistently using the correct methods to engage with your target audience. This is done through various social media sites such as:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube

You can use these social media platforms in a powerful branding strategy to build a network of fans. By creating a following you’ll build rapport with your audience and they will perceive your brand as being reputable. Your audience will also be more motivated to buy your services and products.


In conclusion, the process of building a successful brand must include using your trademark in every marketing strategy and campaign. You can get the most out of your branding strategy by being consistent.

Again, it’s important to create a logo that doesn’t need redesigned in a couple of years, and company name that’s complementary so people can identify you easily and be drawn to your brand.

Achieve awareness by developing a style guide and branding tactic. Implement a complete digital transformation across channels to increase visibility.

Becoming a well known brand is possible. What’s the first step you’re going to take?

Author Bio

Jesse Long is a freelance content writer with extensive experience in copywriting, web content, blogging and social media. He writes on diversified topics including but not limited to content, SEO, visual content, and digital marketing.

1EZ Creative digital design agency Orange County web design and marketing experts.